In my view, Christian Democracy easily trumps Christian Nationalism. It’s mid-18th Century beginnings originated in many Europe countries. It’s ideology seems to combines the best of the two worlds of conservatism and liberalism. And for that reason, it’s difficult to pin it down exactly.

This Christian Democracy champions anti-abortion and traditional marriage between male and female only. But it also gives much emphasis to factoring in the welfare state of the individual. It attempts to counter the economic inequality that a capitalists society tends to create, but still maintains a healthy respect for it. And it is all in with respect to countering the effects of global warming.

Germany is a prime example of Christian Democracy at work. Donald Trump would like you to believe that there are few to no Christian Democrats. Will it just isn’t so. President Joe Biden is a well known practicing Catholic. Still, I’d like to know how he receives communion furthering abortion legislation. Moreover, how does the Pope not call him out for such a anti-Christian view?

n my opinion, President Joe Biden keeps his politics separate from his religious beliefs. But as a Christian myself, I find my Christianity often trumping my democratic beliefs. To each his own, I suppose. Unfortunately, the final judge, Jesus Christ, might not agree with our doing it our way–instead of His.

On the other hand, Trump’s defaming rhetoric, especially used towards toward immigrants, saying they’re tainting our American blood line leaves me to believe his form of Christian Nationalism is painted all White. Or at least predominately so. Remember Trump never criticized the White Supremacists’ violent protests in Charlotte.

Add to the above Trump’s love for The NRA and we’ll never get a handle on America’s gun proliferation. The Republicans respect for human life seems to stop short once the baby is born. It’s not OK to kill life in the womb, but it’s OK to allow easy access to guns once one is capable to shoot someone ese. Go figure.