I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: The Republican platform of conservatism stands with the NRA and upholding Christianity throughout America.I don’t have a problem with furthering Christianity (sans the pro NRA stance), but the Republicans “talk” a good game. They need more than a cane to walk their talk. They always seem to be the first to throw the poor and oppressed under the bus. They consistently delete programs (mostly established by Democrats) that the downtrodden desperately need. And they’re always figuring out ways to increase the wealth of the wealthy. I see them using their their pro–life banner as a shield to promote programs that don’t work for the poor and middle masses. Jesus was “right” in his approach to life, but it was a compassionate right for oppressed people. Jesus cautioned the rich many times about taking advantage of their position to increase their position at the expense of the poor. Furthermore, there’s a preponderance for the Republicans to ramp up the economy at our environment’s expense. People of America, you can’t work if you can’t breath and hydrate.

Now I’m not saying that there aren’t Christian members in the Democratic party. There most certainly are. But if that is so, than how can they stand by and nod their heads in the affirmative for pro-choice abortion (with the exceptions for a mother’s health and/or rape and incest). Yes, the Democrats advocate for a more socialistic society for the common good of that society, but it’s also wrong for such a society to outright rob from the rich to give unwittingly to the poor. Where’s the middle ground I ask you? Where’s the middle party? Why does it always have to be one sided for four to eight years and then a complete reversal when the opposite party comes into power? It’s supposed to be a government for the”good” of all its people–not for just the elite! So there–I vented–once again. Good grief.

PS: You’ll no doubt notice that the word JESUS shares both red and white colored letter forms. The red signifies the sin He took on from man, and the white, the purity we Christians become after we have been washed in His blood.