OK, I realize that bowling and football throwing are worlds apart. One’s by ground; the other’s via air. But given in the context I wish to communicate, I’m sure you’ll allow me some artistic license. Right?

Of course you’re aware of Donald’s proposed boarder wall of infamy (if you don’t build it, you won’t have to tear it down). But there also exists another wall he’s trying keep upright in the face of patriotic Americans. This wall consists of his unrelenting calling for the firing of NFL players who refuse to either come out on the field and/or stand for our national anthem. These social protest of the inequality of their civil rights have little or nothing to do with not showing respect towards our national anthem. As much as Mr. Trump has and continues to disrespect the protesting NFL players, it’s no wonder they wouldn’t continue their protests just to spite him. It’s almost impossible to go high (thank you Mrs. Obama) when the powers to be get down and dirty.

While I always stood for the nation anthem in my NFL playing days (back in 19 none of your business), I respect these protesting players and their courage to weather the storms of ridicule by whomever to achieve their desired results. In the end, their success will make for a better America. Amen?

So, Donald, give it (your trash mouth) a rest, if that’s at all possible for you to accomplish.