This is a newer version of “Haughty Humpty” that was presented in 2018.

“Holier than Thou/thou,” usually means that someone thinks and/or acts as through they are “better”(morally and/or spiritually superior) than God Himself or at least to someone else. If you look closely, you’ll notice that the bottom rim of Trump’s Uncle Sam hat is also a broken-up white halo (signifying Trump’s perceived self-worth of himself). As I quoted before, “Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.”

Trump’s reasons for building his wall have more holes in it than he himself has (fake news personified). When Trump didn’t get his immediate way (Democratic money approval for his wall), he masterminded an unrepresented governmental shutdown as a ransom for his demands. A compromise of a steel fence (with vertical spaces in between?) instead of his solid concrete wall is the best he’ll probably get (that is if he doesn’t declare a national emergency to get his “wanted wall”). Wanted alive and built by the GOP but (initially) wanted dead only to the Dems).
