An antidote for COVID–19 is forthcoming. Exactly when, nobody knows. (Similarly, Christ’s return date is only known by His Father, JEHOVAH). The problem is that when the cure finally surfaces, it will way too late for thousands throughout the world, including numerous health care professionals who have volunteered to subject themselves to being flatlined from their service to us. Yeah, we don’t have to return to our moon for a vaccine to combat COVID–19, but some of that money we spent to go a long time ago, certainly could have been used more judiciously to prepare for such a crisis as we’re now experiencing.

In case you haven’t noticed, this health care worker’s splash shield houses a head shot of Rio’s Christ the Redeemer. John 3:16 (my paraphrase) states that Jesus’ bodily sacrifice gives a believer (that He is the Son of God) an opportunity to become a Christian. Greater love has no man than he gives his life for another (especially a stranger, no less). And that (sacrificing their very lives) is exactly what these doctors and nurses, first responders, etc. (especially in New York City) have been doing. I liken their service to serving in a military that is ill–equipped to properly fight. They have been begging for essential equipment from the get go, mostly to deaf Trump ears.

This COVID–19 disease had taught us the importance of looking out for others, and that there are no “little people” in America. Americans have quickly learned not to judge “essential workers” by their pay stubs. Not surprisingly, the Christian body of Christ “should” give the same respect to a toe as a teacher. (Admittedly, a teacher and preacher will be scrutinized by God much more than the laity).

We’ll get through this–eventually, but continued prayer may be our biggest asset. It’s an asset you can’t feel or touch empirically; nonetheless, we Christians believe the power of prayer can move Heaven and Earth. Ah, make that mountains. Christ may be gone physically, but He’s never more present (spiritually) than when mankind is in a worldly crisis. And His availability is greatest if we’ve been accessing Him all along, all of our lives. Amen?