Domestic violence takes on a much broader perspective than just a single family unit, when we consider our native American Indians. The displacement, internment, and killing of American indigenous Indians to acquire their lands for American’s westward expansion to the Pacific Ocean, was said to be sanctioned by God Almighty Himself–so said a majority of the higher-ups of our nation at that particular time. They paralleled that “Westward-Ho” to the Israelites taking over the promised land of Canaan.

We’re all well aware that the ancient Hebrew takeover involved the massacre of countless men, women, and children. And, likewise, so did America’s Indian takeover. The problem, as I and many others see it, is that, while we read in the Biblical accounts of the Israelites’ conquest of Canaan, there’s no mention of America’s westward conquest being ordained by God’s word. So, by whose authority did America have the right to do wrong to the indigenous Indians of America? OK, maybe by Devine Providence, but that’s God working being the scenes without Him directly communicating with any earthlings–and/or governments.

The quick sign for domestic violence, abuse, etc,. etc., etc., can’t be more appropriate to stand for the atrocities we inflicted upon our native Indians in the name of God, country, and more specifically–greed–falsely supported by twisting the Word of God to our advantage.

One might theorize that we (America’s military) corralled the surviving Indians in order to indoctrinate them into Christianity. Listen, beating someone over the head with a Bible to get them to comply, doesn’t work. The Crusades disproved that theory. And why would any surviving Indians listen to American evangelists whose governments just killed off half their people, not to mention the out-right breaking of numerous Indian treaties by our government throughout the years? I’ll tell you why: we simply possessed more guns and manpower than they did.

Our government said the Indians were savages and needed to be civilized. It said similar things about African American slaves a long, long time ago too. Take a good look around today’s America. We kill and incarcerate more human beings than any other nation on earth. Who are we to be calling the kettle black (no pun intended)? We are certainly not leading the nations by our good example.

Jesus said to the woman at the well, “Go and sin no more.” He didn’t attempt to do her in because she, supposedly, was a prostitute. In America, we shouldn’t kill people because they believe differently. And we shouldn’t have done to our native American Indians what we did, partly because they worship the creation rather than the Creator, Whom we felt compelled to introduce them to.

I think about how nomadic most American Indians were because they were hunters (but now are reservation bound). Of course, you realize that Abraham was called by God to live in tents in order to do God’s will. And we certainly don’t think any less of him for doing so, now do we?