(Just for the record, I don’t want you to misinterpreted my title. I’m not advocating for the penectomies of Catholic, pedophilel priests, but some victims and their parents might).
They’re in the news–again (8/14/2018). This time it’s approximately 300+ Catholic, pedophilel, Pennsylvania priests that molested some 10000+ youths over seven decades (and counting). I guess they finally ran out of spaces that the Catholic powers to be could safely move them to for continued non-exposure (cover–ups). There’s only one way to communicate with Jehovah the Father: through His Son, Jesus. Why do Catholics continue to place confidence in priests who continue to be totally untrustworthy? And the authorities probably have only exposed the tip of the pedophilel, priestly iceberg. Cover ups usually can be traced to at the top of their power chain (right Mr. Nixon?), which would include you know who.
My best friend from Pittsburgh when to Catholic school. While he was an altar boy, he got approached by a priest for some sexual favors. My friend said if he ever approached him again, he was not only going to deck him, but tell his dad also. His dad just happened to be one of the renown lawyers responsible for the wording on cigarettes packages that smoking may be hazardous to your health. That initial ruling (wording) happened 53 years ago, but there is no doubt in my mind that ungodly, priestly, pedophilel behavior predates my friends experience by some unknown eons earlier.
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