The Coronavirus has set the world on edge. It’s certainly no respecter of persons, nor nations. It’s akin to terrorism’s reach: nobody in any nation is exempt from…
Yeah, that’s a roulette wheel competing for stadium seating. As a footballer you take your chances of being early existed from life by you’re mere participation in the…
New York City is one of our sanctuary cities. That is a designated American city (usually by their individual mayors and/or governors) that immigrants may go to and…
No social issues here to speak of. Just some beautiful positive (flamingos) and negative shapes to play off a graphically rendered cypress stump. And a few water navigational…
Are you holding unto death (much more tightly than your faith?), and you don’t even realize it? I certainly hope not. I even pray not (that you aren’t)….
My two best clients commissioned me to paint a small (by my standards) painting of their mountain cabin out West near Yuma, Arizona. They requested some different perspectives…
I think everyone would agree that horses are beautiful animals. Here’s one painted and placed in a pristine pasture, while a great many people of this world are…
This painting is rendered to look like the nailed hand of Christ projecting from some of the 9-11 rubble left on the horizontal member of a cross girder…