Category: PoliticalPage 8 of 32
I’ve always questioned whether or not Adam and Eve would have fallen from grace had they not had an infringement on their freewill (Satan) negatively talking in their…
I thought this football referee signal aptly represents Trump’s position regarding his ineligibility to be included on the Republican ticket for the US 2024 Presidency. There’s a mountain…
I believe both of America’s two major political parties are firmly in agreement on at least one observation: we’ve got a migrant/refugee influx problem penetrating our pores southern…
Presently, Trump’s plea for immunity from prosecution from his part in 1/6/21 US Capitol insurrection has recently been rejected in the second highest court, but could easily end…
It’s no secret that officers in the US police forces have to make split-second, life or death decisions in their line of work. It definitely isn’t an easy…
It seems like a competitive race between Florida’s Governor DeSantis and Texas’s Governor Abbot, as to who can “ship-off” the most illegal entering migrants the fastest to the…
A great number of Immigrants/refugees coming from the Central American countries to the US’s southern boarder are fleeing for their very lives. Drug cartels, gangs, crooked and inadequate…
No, the word “Meat” in the title isn’t misspelled. I just took artistic license and chose Meat over Meet to convey the idea that the railroad tracks leading…
How do we, as a purportedly Christian nation, say “No more” to the massive influx of immigrants/refugees illegally entering the USA daily? We don’t seem to have the…
The US boarder wall authorities are attempting to plan special openings in the US southern boarder wall to accommodate animals seeking to access a vaster natural habitat. Too…