The state of Texas recently passed an anti-abortion law that prohibits an abortion after six weeks past conception. At time when most pregnant females wouldn’t even know nor…
It’s common knowledge and belief for likely the majority of Americans that during Trump’s presidency he told well over 30, 000 false or misleading claims. Oh, by the…
This is my latest attempt to convince people through simplified design that your freedom (and mine) needs not to potentially infringe on my physical survival. Get vaxxed and…
This was the beginning of a high school cheer I got used to hearing while playing basketball for Seabreeze HS in Daytona Beach, Florida, back in 19 none…
Admittedly, I exaggerated with military defense installations the importance of defending our Democracy that has been under attack from the previous Trump administration, which culminated in the January…
How can we expect our countrymen to be civil to one another when our elected leaders are continuously at each others throats. Seems like almost all issues get…
Yeah, that’s an old 60s peace symbol slightly doctored-up to represent the Christian (saints) resurrection sequence. The dead in Christ (all Christians are saints) shall rise from their…
Pro-lifers preach the sanctity of life at conception. I agree, but what about the sanctity of life outside the womb? Don’t pro-lifers (especially) have a similar obligation to…
Satan (aka the Devil and/or Lucifer) has been allowed by God to roam about Earth as a roaring lion seeking to devour humans (spiritually speaking). Satan has also…