The city of Bucha, Ukraine, is the ultimate site that represents the atrocities perpetrated against civilians of that city by Russian soldiers, exhibiting zero restraint. Women were arbitrarily raped before shooting. Human members were cut from their respective bodies. Hands were cuffed before shooting in the back–after torturing. Young children were no exception. Neither were known buildings housing the non-combatants. Russian tanks and armored vehicles would go out of their way just to run over a single car or person.

WWll like trenches had to be hastily dug to bury the dead in body bags adjacent to one of Bucha’s beautiful churches. Putin isn’t much different than Hitler, except that Putin thinks Russia is entitled to Ukraine. But once freed, people (and countries) are no longer possessions of any other country.

The devastation from just the Russian bombing makes most of Ukraine’s city buildings and residences look like a photo from WWll’s devastation. It seems ironic to me that Putin would go to such measures to kill and destroy his Russian counterparts (the Ukrainians) at will, and then, profess a certain kinship between the Russians and the Ukrainians.

The world may, in fact, try Putin for war crimes. But his suffering the consequences of his actions are in serious doubt–at least from a physical point of view, Maybe not here on Earth will he get his proper due. But certainly in eternity. Vengeance is the Lord’s.