I’ve always questioned whether or not Adam and Eve would have fallen from grace had they not had an infringement on their freewill (Satan) negatively talking in their ears. If Satan was totally out of the garden picture, maybe, just maybe, they wouldn’t have sinned. I mean we have enough problems with our own handling of freewill positively, in and of itself. Why did God deem it necessary to add fodder to the fire by booting Satan out of Heaven to Earth? Guess I’ll have to ask Him about that when I get to where I’ll get to see Him face to face, huh?

In Sanity Or Satan, hopefully you get the idea that Satan (in snake form) has somehow penetrated our brains, and thus, taken up lodging (but he wasn’t there initially in our DNA)  It’s only after you’ve been convinced that Satan and his power have been allowed to temporary exist that you begin to realize how terrible, unimaginable and inhumane happenings in this present world (i.e., nuclear explosions) have the wherewithal to take place.

But as bad as the atomic explosions were over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they will be incomparable to the nuclear destruction caused by a worldwide nuclear war. The fireball from each nuclear explosion (some 400 estimated to do mankind totally in) is equivalent to our sun’s temperature–so the scientists estimate.

In my graphic, I’ve loosely depicted that fireball as the convolutes of a brain (highlighted by a white dead body outline), ending with a snake (Satan) head. The convolutes also mirror so many mangled, emaciated bodies stacked upon one another (reminiscent of the Nazi’s inhumane collection of corpses).

This Final Holocaust (not limited to any particular race) will make Hitler’s Final Solution look like child’ s play. It won’t be just anti-Semitism at work; it will be multiple nations against one another at work for their very survival. And the world’s left-overs to die in limbo.

But we earthlings have an out, if we keep our heads on straight. That “out” is a safe haven (heaven) that’s literally out of this world, and we’ve only one man/God to thank for that opportunity of choice–Jesus Christ, and the power of His resurrection.

PS: This nuclear explosion captures a halo-like image unlike any other of the artist made ones that seek to identify Christ as the Sovereign God. But impressive visually as this graphic halo is, it pales in its significance to the power of Christ–merely not haloed! Amen?