No, we’re not talking about America’s WW II isolationism policies before we were pushed into the war. Now, we’re talking about the present world, basically, self-isolating itself from America’s lead in how not to contain the coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic. How quickly the tide of pandemic fear can reverse course from one nation being in hotspot crisis to another.

Initially, Trump basically paid lip service to America keeping the “foreign coronavirus” from reaching our shores and infiltrating our people with its deadly destruction. That, coupled with Trump’s unwillingness to shut down America promptly, and hurriedly seeking to reopen it prematurely, before it was safe to do so, has caused many other nations to throw out the unwelcoming mat to Americans. Now America is one of the three hotspots for Covid-19, thanks to our administration’s lack of implementing their/our own healthcare advisors’ advice. Want four more of the same insane–vote Trump!