These days, most Republican congress people try to avoid any specific questions about their direct affiliation with Donald Trump. They don’t want to promote him because they don’t…
Well for sure these nineteen Uvalde students of Robb Elementary aren’t going to return to their respective homes–at least not alive that is. You can’t thank the local…
the song from the musical South Pacific, “I’m Gonna Wash that Man Right Out out of My Hair,” reminds me of the situation that exist between America’s two…
It’s no secret that the COP Republicans support The NRA and visa versa. Together (in bed) they account for most of the gun proliferation in America when they…
Roe V. Wade just got canned by SCOTUS. And that happened just because the Supreme Court of the United was majorly unbalance in the conservative direction. For fifty…
The United States’ proliferation of guns is as American as our apple pie–unfortunately. But eating apple pie doesn’t kill you. At least not as fast anyway. And, try…
Texas’ Republican governor Abbot has led Texas and the nation in pro-life legislation. He got an anti-abortion bill passed in his state (with the only exception being the…