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When i was doing The Goals for Youth program in Yuma, Arizona, using retired NFL players, this downtown hotel spoke to me. I abruptly changed the perspective. See…


Street Sweeper

There’s a certain beauty in the common work of man, especially one who cleans up after others’ trash.

Motel Cookout

A painting of the primary setting of my teenage life running the Sea-Sea Motel with my two sisters, mom, and grandparents in Ormond Beach, Florida. We had numerous…

Two By Sea

Note the exaggerated boat perspective.


Tilt-a-Whirl This was really the only ride I was comfortable riding on at the Daytona Beach boardwalk. I know-I was a big chicken. Most of the rides have…

Easy Rider

Easy Rider I took a number of biker photos in the late sixties on Daytona Beach Main Street. I’m not saying whether or not I got flashed, but…

Art Deco Modern Podium Pg. 5

Jukebox Styled Multi-Purposed Structures Pg. 4

Jukebox Styled Multi-Purpose Constructions Pg. 3