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This was an elementary school presentation I attended with my students in Tampa. I think I enjoyed it more than the students!
Out west in Yuma, Arizona, I did a couple of Indian paintings from photos of Indian pow-wows I attended. You’ll no doubt notice the progression is from right…
No pun intended. A little visual artistic license at work.
Even through there’s a little snow above (my gray hair), there’s still a fire below. I may hurt a little physically, but I’m never aware of it while…
In the off-season of my fourth year playing left guard with the Steelers, I sustained a broken and dislocated left hip from an automobile accident. That caused me,…
Coming back from a Tampa Depot run, an object in the middle of a side road adjacent to a church caught my attention. Closer inspection revealed a dog…
Look closely at this painting and you’ll quickly discover that it doesn’t glorify Osama bin Laden. Quite the contrary. The explosives depicted at his waist level seconds for…