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Mr. No Accountability

It looks as though Trump is going to skirt his many legal trials that were to come up in the immediate future because he has won the 2024…

Trump’s Chumps

On 11/6/’24, Donald Trump became the USA president elect for America’s presidential 2024 to 2028 term. We Americans put up with the likes of Trump from 2016-2020. I…

Class and Trash

At this year’s 2024 LCMA Art+Film Gala, Kim Kardasian wore Princess Diana’s Attallah Cross pendant, which measures 5.4×3.7 inches. As oversized as this piece appears to be, it’s…

Trump Dump

A comedian Trump’s political party hired said Puerto Rico was an island of garbage. Trump said he had no foreknowledge of what this comedian was going to say…

Trump Trash

Yesterday (25/October/2024) at a political interview, Trump referred to immigrants (in general) and the undocumented (more specifically) as so much “garbage”. He claimed we Americans (make that Democrats,…

Felons for Presidents

I don’t know what McDonald’s hiring policies are with reference to felons, but I’ve got a hunch they certainly wouldn’t hire a felon who didn’t do his allotted…

R.I.P. Partners

There used to be a half dozen or so of slanted, inverted Airstream trailers of varying sizes buried a third of the way into the ground that were…

Yeah, Right, Trump

Trump has said of the photograph that depicted his raised fist in a triumph gesture of surviving his assignation attempt, that it reminded him of the six Marines…

Love Your Enemies?

You don’t make America great again by pumping more hate rhetoric into the election equation. Treating Democrats as if they were non-citizens of the USA isn’t going to…

Boarder Czar

It’s no secret that if Trump becomes the 2024 US President, one of the first things he’s going to initiate is a deportation of all the illegal immigrants…