Trump’s not even a hypocritical Pharisee or Sadducee, because they, at least, knew the law of Moses and the Prophets. Trump doesn’t. He thinks he’s above it (our present laws), and therefore, pleads Presidential immunity to all of his criminal indictments.

The first rule for a Christian is to know that he or she is under obligation to obey the authorities whom God has allowed to be put in place. Because Trump held up a Bible in a photo op, he thinks God choose him to lead Christian Evangelicals. Trump’s a “deepfake” Christian. “Donald Trump, you’re no Jimmy Carter!” So don’t try as you might to convince the American people otherwise.

Trump, you fooled us (the American people) once, that’s on you. Fool us twice, it’s on us. Abraham Lincoln fought for the Democracy of all men, regardless of color. Trump yearns for a radical, Christian (White) Nationalism that coerces people to become Christians. I find no biblical references where Jesus “made” people become Christians….or else suffer the immediate consequences thereof.