I choose a pinball format as a vehicle to communicate my message because so many of them have programs promoting violence. In a world seemingly gone rogue, we Americans often claim that we have to resort to dropping bombs in order to restore the peace and freedom of any nation asking for help. After the dust of devastation settles, peace bombs have (more often than not) bombed to pieces all matter of matter. (It’s a shakened world of sin we’ve been born into, and there’s always some crisis up in the air that we can’t quite put our respective fingers around to solve (i.e., terrorism, boarder walls, etc.)

And for what reason do we (Americans in particular) bomb? We believe it’s a last resort solution to save humanity from oppression and evil, dictatorial rulers. When nations seek to establish that they are superior and more powerful than everyone else, world domination sets its course. People and governments will do almost anything to gain and hold onto position and power. And for what? All the money in the world won’t buy back your $OUL (in painting). Matthew 16:26

Jesus may have hung the Earth on slight tilt for good seasons, but He rotated that tilt vertical when he said the greatest in His kingdom will be a servant. Not exactly what the corporate world wants to hear nor abide by. But then again, Jesus is only concerned about your behavior here (dress rehearsal) with reference to how it gets you over there (heaven over hell).

But Jesus doesn’t give us a free ride just because we have been given a free will. Adam and Eve found this out the hard way, and so do we (by the consequences our sin). Satan and his tainted angels have been allowed by God to negatively influence our obedient behavior to God. (I suppose you can’t have a free will if there aren’t some possible negative options, huh?).

In the computer generated image, Satan takes the form of a pinball bomb alternately morphing into a world (Earth) image that seeks to steer men away from the Christian God. Satan’s constant ricocheting off these rails of life, for even our divided attention, continues to provide more than enough challenge for us to overcome. In fact (not fake news), we can’t overcome Satan without Christ’s intervention. But intervention, in and of itself, lacks saving power. For that we needed a one time, all encompassing, perfect sacrifice–Jesus Christ in the flesh. It’s only by Christ’s death that His resurrection is made more significant. And by His resurrection, we Christians, likewise, anticipate our resurrection from the grave to His Heavenly saved.

The word WALLS is included in this mix of poison words superimposed over the Earth image. Walls are generally built as a protection from an outside (people) threat. Walled Jerusalem is a typical example.. Back then, God had singled out a particular nation (the Hebrews) as His choice nation to expressly follow Him. When their following didn’t live up to God’s expectations, in effect, God tore down His protective walls in favor of opening the floodgates of salvation to all who choose to obey Him–Jew and Gentile alike. (I sometimes wonder what goes through the head of a gated community church member who sits next to the likes of me (moreover, an undocumented immigrant). Are we Christian following Christ’s example to wash away color, race, and prejudice?

Walls of separation are built to be destroyed. The mere evidence of one suggest tensions between opposite, occupying parties (Israeli/Palestinian wall). Freedom’s demanding voice of Ronald Reagan helped tear down the Berlin Wall. There’s always a way to penetrate a wall. (And if you can’t, just lob missiles over them to kill your neighbors–right?). Usually praying first works wonders later. The walls of Jericho fell by simply following God instructions for seven days. But Heaven and Hell have no walls (to keep people in or out) because once you’ve been judged by Jesus after your resurrection, your eternal resting place is forever fixed in either heaven or hell. No visitors at any time and certainly not any possibilities for bodily transfers.

Walls of separation are not what pre–Trump America stood for. At least that’s what I was led to believe. It’s common knowledge that the vast majority of illegal drugs and undocumented immigrants come through the US ports of entry. And the numbers of unwanted foreigners (for crimes, etc.) entering our country wane greatly in comparison to our established citizenry. In particular, El Paso, Texas, sings a very different tune than the Trump’s propaganda administration is promoting. Walls just aren’t worth their weight–and certainly not the money to construct them!

Trump hates the media because they continue to expose his outright lies. He rails against undocumented workers taking jobs away from hard working Americans, but at the same time, he gets caught for hiring “these people” as servants in his very own household (and apparently to construct his buildings too). I still maintain that given enough rope, Donald Trump will self-destruct via impeachment. Here’s hoping.

PS: In all fairness to Mr. Trump, I will agree with his continued effort to ban abortions and bring the institution of marriage back to its traditional meaning.