It’s ever so apparent that President Trump is trying his level headed(?) best to subvert the authority of the other two branches of the US government. If Trump continues this vendetta to a successful conclusion, he’ll, in effect, become “King Trump”, answering to no one but himself. Not only above the law, but a law unto himself.

Trump’s recent tweets mirror Napoleon Bonaparte’s infamous quote of: “He who saves his country, does not violate the Law.” (That’s what the German people thought Hitler was going to do–big mistake!).

Trump’s immunity vote from SCOTUS has given him card blanch for aggressive, undemocratic decisions that fly in the face of our US Constitution. Lawsuits are flying off the state tables with judges attempting to block most of Trump’s abrupt edits.

It’s not only the most violent criminal illegals that Trump’s ICE are after. They are no respecters of persons. Every illegal is fair game–violent or not. Reminds me of Hitler’s Gestapo techniques of routing out Jews from their buildings in broad daylight for train removal to concentration camps.

The bottom line: too much authority in the hands of one person, without checks and balances, will soon doom any nation–democratic or not.