Trump’s attempting to fire almost any government employee who had/has anything to do with DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) enhancement. DeSantis says “Florida is where woke goes to die.” Both are Republicans who, purportedly, are of a Christian orientation, and therefore claim that being woke should be outlawed along with its DEI ramifications.

There are two sides to this “wokeness” controversy as to whether or not it’s Christian principled. And the answer is ambiguous due to one’s own religious perspective.

Being “woke” basically means that one is awake and aware of what’s happening in their world and being concerned for the welfare of others as much as themselves. Everyone should be entitled to getting a fair shake as far as diversity, equity, and inclusion in a Democratic society. Our US Constitution supports this ideal.

And there seems to be for me (from my limited research of scripture) much more Biblical support for Jesus being “woke” than not. I don’t think it’s necessary, here, to get into all the specifics that substantiate my belief. Let’s just suffice to say that, like Jesus, I will strive to show mercy in giving people the benefit of any doubt I have about any given situation.

I get the diversity and equity part of DEI. What I can’t agree with is the aspect of inclusion. For me, cisgender birth is the only viable call of the righteousness of the Biblical scripture. the Bible warnings about homosexuality are ever present. Those who practice such don’t get a ticket to the heavenly abode at the rapture. But, of course, our democracy covers up all this apparent sinful behavior by inclusion.

In conclusion: Professing Christianity makes one subversive to the authority of Jesus Christ. Christianity isn’t a democracy; it’s a/n theocracy /autocracy. All the more reason to separate church from state. Therefore, the American government should’t attempt to coerce people into Christianity by passing laws specific to any one religion. Our First Amendment guarantees that. Jesus didn’t do it and we shouldn’t either.