The Manhattan Transfer singing group made even more famous Tennessee Ernie Ford’s singing of Give Me Jesus on the Line. Here I have depicted a Christ the Redeemer Jesus from Rio de Janeiro openly accepting (especially) the poor people of this world. Road signs beckoning all people of all colors to come unto Him enhance His calling.

The three arrowed circle suggest an eternal existence, not only for Jesus but everyone else who professes Christ. But until you have arrived at the age of accountability (different times for each individual), you’re in a saved state. Most Protestant Christians believe that infants (and probably the unborn fetuses that have died too) are in a saved state also. They don’t need to be saved from sin that they haven’t committed–yet! (Can you imagine that an abortive fetus has more likelihood of residing in Heaven than a non–Christian)?

Now, the Catholics are taught that all humans are born into the world with a certain amount of the original sin of Adam and Eve in them. This would suggest that God allows a defective product to be pro–created. And If that were the case, then mankind cannot be held totally accountable for their sins (since we’re not responsible for getting defective parts that cause our sinful living). Furthermore, how can the sin of one human being be passed to another by birth? I’m not sorry! Sin doesn’t reside in my DNA makeup–and not in yours either. (Inheriting sin’s consequences isn’t the same thing as inheriting sin itself–big difference!)

That’s not to say that I don’t admit to being a sinner. I categorically do. But my sins results purely from my succumbing to this sinful world through my own outward initiative, not because of some “demon” defect planted in me before birth–thank you very much.

That’s a dangling telephone call from Jesus that you just dropped. But He’ll remain on the line for you until your death. And it’s precisely at your death, that you realize the opportunities to connect with Him has passed you by–permanently! And you’ll pay dearly for the rest you’ll not receive in hell.