Remember the “Red Light. Green Light” sidewalk game we played as kids? Well that’s not a far cry from what our southern boarder immigrants are presently going through…
Of course this title is most associated with an American football rule infraction. The QB arbitrarily getting rid of the football with no eligible receivers in sight. Here,…
I’ve forgotten what Packer player excecuted the first touchdown leap into the Packer football fans’ arms awaiting him in the end zone seating. That’s not nearly as important…
Yeah, that’s Trump’s mug shot hiding behind what appears to be the pointed columns’ facade of Trump Towers, which is meant to second as jail bars. Ironically, these…
Kevin Costner’s “Field of Dreams” movie poster depicts some of the great Negro players, who participated only in the Negro baseball League, coming out of the corn fields…
Everyone is familiar with the expression “you can’t see the forest through the trees,” meaning so many times we get caught up in the details so easily that…