Look closely at this painting and you’ll quickly discover that it doesn’t glorify Osama bin Laden. Quite the contrary. The explosives depicted at his waist level seconds for the Twin Towers. Of course they are connected to the box cutter, which in this case, not only provided a method by which to commandeer the cockpit, but also, eventually cause the demise of Osama bin Laden himself, depicted by the thin white tapering line slicing through his neck causing the lower part of his beard to be engulfed in blood. Yes, he later died of gunshot wounds instead, but just the same, “Those who live by the sword, shall die by the sword.” I clipped a newspaper photo of a suicide bomber and added all the pertinent extras like the portrait and box cutter. I decided to title the painting as such because his plan slaughtered thousands of innocent civilians and it occurred on our turf! Wait, couldn’t the Japanese have said a similar statement about the US atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Oh, right, that was a declared war. It’s interesting what rationalization can do for righteous justification.