Again, you’re seeing my use of the “Rainbow Mary” apparition(?) (in Clearwater, Florida) with a much exaggerated perspective of the crucifixion. Miraculous darkness fell upon the Earth from the 6th to the 9th hour of the day. Without His death, as agonizing as it turned out to be, His resurrection couldn’t have taken place. And if He didn’t resurrect, neither will we Christians. I’d rather believe in His resurrection now, and find out after death that it wasn’t true, than to not believe now, and find out after death that it was true–wouldn’t you?

I took the liberty (artists’) of placing the blood red moon (probable lunar eclipse at crucifixion) over the head position of the outlined crucified body. The shadowed “face” of the Earth’s moon, which looks (inhumanly) distorted to me, reminds me of how I might have imagined Christ’s face to look after being brutalize by the Romans before and during His crucifixion. I’m not apologizing for not attributing any of the moon’s favoritable fairytale like nursery rimes to my visual interpretation.